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deTour 2021 設計講座:ORNAMENT IS (not a) CRIME!

deTour 2021 設計講座:ORNAMENT IS (not a) CRIME!

14:00 - 15:00

從一場1910年Adolf Loos對人類情感 VS 功能美學的演講出發,今年的RIBA Talk! 以「ORNAMENT IS (not a) CRIME!(?)」為題,嘗試就著兩個看似極端存在的概念,回應今屆deTour 2021的主題。

查爾斯王子曾形容由建築師Richard Rogers操刀的英國國家美術館擴建設計,如皮膚病般醜陋不堪。這場有名的爭議,反映了對缺乏裝飾性工藝或人性化空間比例的現代功能性設計的反感。然而,功能性現代主義的出現,正正是現代史軌跡所生的結果——我們今天生活的城市由大量機器生產物料所包圍,而這些均是工業革命下的產物。



  1. 鍾宏亮, 中文大學建築學院副教授


  1. Jason Hilgefort, Land and Civilization Compositions 創辦人
  2. Sara Klomps, Zaha Hadid Architects 總監
  3. 劉鎮淇, Oval Partnership 項目總監
  4. 黃琪, Fashion Clinic 創意總監
  5. 葉長安, 北京中央美院客座教授
  6. 徐亮, 香港中文大學建築學院講師


日期:12月5日 (星期日)

時間:14:00 - 15:00

地點: PMQ元創方地面廣場, G/F



截止報名:12月4日 23:59

As a response to deTour 2021’s curatorial theme, this year’s RIBA Talk! is ‘ORNAMENT IS (not a) CRIME!(?)’. The title takes its cue from a 1910 lecture by Adolf Loos on the relationship between two seemingly bipolar design elements: human emotion vs function driven aesthetics.

The Prince of Wales famously described the proposed National Gallery extension by Richard Rogers as a “monstrous carbuncle”, a remark that reflected a distaste for modern functional design which lacks elements that celebrate the decorative craft and is insensitive to human scale. Yet, recent history has cemented the position of functional modernism – an outcome of the Industrial Revolution that gave rise to the mass-produced machine-made materials that surround our cities today.

With the design community facing new challenges ranging from sustainability to the increasing integration of technology in our most routine actions, it’s time to stop and think. Don’t miss this much-needed debate on the relationship between functional design and the enigmatic, emotionally resonant human aesthetic.


1. Thomas Chung, Associate Professor, School of Architecture, CUHK


1. Jason Hilgefort, Founder, Land and Civilization Compositions

2. Sara Klomps, Director, Zaha Hadid Architects

3. Justin Lau, Project Director, Oval Partnership

4. Kay Wong, Creative Director, Fashion Clinic

5. Alvin Yip, Visiting Professor, CAFA

6. Leon Xu, Lecturer, School of Architecture, CUHK


Date: 5 December, 2021 (Sunday)

Time: 14:00 -15:00

Location: PMQ, Marketplace

Quota: 30 persons

Language: English

Registration due by: 4 December, 2021 (23:59)
